Here we are again! MDOT makes a stealth end-run around the public, gets caught, and — assuming we take fast action — gets sharp pushback from those of our elected officials who will choose to put the public good first.
Quick version of what’s going on:
Attempted end-run: MDOT pushed toll lanes for the entire Beltway into the Metropolitan Washington Transportation Planning Board’s (TPB) long-range plan, even though the TPB didn’t vote for that.
How MDOT got caught: Our coalition members spotted MDOT’s item buried in the TPB plan and made the info public.
How we affect the outcome: We have until Sunday, May 1 to submit comments telling the TPB and our Montgomery County elected officials to reject the entire toll-lane scheme, which was always going to include the Beltway.
Use this quick tool created by the Sierra Club, our valued partner, to send your message to the TPB and County officials. Add your own words to the pre-loaded text to grab attention.
Thank you for taking action!! Governor Hogan, MDOT, Transurban and their allies never expected an opposition so determined and so armed with the facts as all of us, working together.
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