An Urgent Call to Action – Stop the Toll-Highway P3 Boondoggle

Join the Rally to Stop the P3 Boondoggle


When:  Tuesday, June 8 at 12:00 noon


In spite of intense opposition by the neighborhoods and communities that will feel its sharpest impact, the State is pushing ahead with a vote next Tuesday to approve a contract for the I-495/I-270 toll lane widening plan — the first step in their march toward final approval of this misguided project. In our relentless opposition over the past three years, we’ve already won the war of words.

Now it’s time for each of us to stand up, turn out, and make our voices heard. As we head toward the 2022 election, our local and State leaders need to see and hear us. They need to know that stopping this threat is an urgent priority for action, and that we expect their help and support in defeating this fatally-flawed scheme.

That’s why we’re organizing a massive protest on Tuesday at noon at the project’s epicenter. The time is now. This is one of those moments when protecting our quality of life perfectly aligns with defeating bad government policy. Our success depends on you. Join us on Tuesday!


Where:  First Baptist Church Rockville

       55 Adclare Road, Rockville 20850


Driving directions:  From I-270, take Exit 6 East toward Rockville. Make the first right onto Adclare Road. Park all the way closest to the hill, as directed.


The rally will be outdoors.




The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Vote


With less than 4 days notice, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) called an emergency session of the MDTA to vote on approving a contract for private toll lanes on I-270 and the Beltway under a public-private partnership (P3). The vote will be held on Tuesday morning, June 8th. 


There has been a lack of transparency with the public and affected local governments on this P3, which would be in effect for 50 years. 


Our statewide coalition of allies and organizations opposing the P3 have told the MDTA to delay their vote on any toll-lane contract until the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) is completed. The FEIS needs to be finalized and available for public review before any contracts are awarded by the State.

We shouldn’t allow the MDTA's vote to go unchallenged! We’re asking you to come out and join us at our rally on Tuesday at Noon. That’s the most important thing you can do now that will have the greatest impact.


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