Toll-Lane Project is NOT a Done Deal. Newly-Revealed Facts + Timeline + Vulnerabilities are Game Changers!

If you’ve ever doubted the impact of grassroots toll-lane opposition, take a look at this breakthrough.


A grassroots-funded effort led by the Sierra Club to draft legal comments on MDOT’s SDEIS has produced an astounding indictment -- written by nationally-known legal and technical experts -- of the project’s deceits and failings.


A few of the revelations in this powerhouse document:


  • If the toll lanes are built, the only choice drivers will face is “between two bad options: extreme congestion vs. extremely high tolls” (p. 20 of the document). We know the 2026 rush hour tolls from the GW Parkway to Shady Grove will go as high as $50 each way!

  • The traffic model MDOT used to plan this mega-billion-dollar project was, among its many deficiencies, incapable of capturing queues behind bottlenecks or accurately predicting traffic volumes (pgs. 18-40).

  • MDOT is knowingly sacrificing our safety to maximize revenue (pgs. 71-80). The plan takes the inner shoulder away from the free lanes and gives it to the toll lanes (pgs. 76-77). It effectively forces big-rig trucks into the reduced number of free lanes, a known cause of serious accidents, especially at entrances and exits (pgs. 73-74).

Preferred alternative: 1 outside shoulder for 5 free lanes; 1 inside shoulder for 2 toll lanes (yellow).

Preferred alternative: 1 outside shoulder for 5 free lanes; 1 inside shoulder for 2 toll lanes.

The Sierra Club’s comprehensive legal comments are signed by 50+ advocacy groups and the City of Rockville. They provide not only the basis for future legal action, but fuel to spur our grassroots efforts.


See below for actions you can take right now. Then read on for the project’s projected timeline and coming hurdles. (Preview: project construction can’t begin until at least fall 2022 when a construction contract may be voted on.) At the end, you’ll see a big thank you to our readers.


Action Item: Know the facts, share the facts

Thanks to the Sierra Club documentation, facts about the toll-lane scam are finally available to the public in clear, authoritative form. We urge you to click THIS LINK and read about any or all aspects that interest (or infuriate) you. Summaries of the new findings are on pages i-iii of the document and also pasted at the end of this newsletter. Click in the document’s table of contents for detailed discussions and supporting evidence.

Please share this newsletter and your thoughts about the project with at least one person who may not yet be convinced that the toll lanes will do no good, only harm. If you know someone who lives along upper I-270, please reach out. Residents there are hearing lies about congestion relief. The Sierra Club document will tell them the truth.


Project Timelines and Vulnerabilities

The next few months offer excellent opportunities for grassroots action aimed at elected officials, candidates for office, and federal agencies reviewing the toll-lane project. Watch for details in coming newsletters.


MDOT’s timeline for the federally-mandated review process

  • Per MDOT, the public submitted approximately 3,000 public comments on the DEIS and 2,000 on the SDEIS. MDOT has to respond to the substantive ones and issue a final EIS, expected in May 2022, although the timing, here and elsewhere, may slip.

  • The public will have 30 days after issuance of the FEIS to submit comments.

  • Sometime after that, the Federal Government will issue its Record of Decision (ROD) on the project.

  • Parties, including our advocacy coalition, have 150 days from issuance of the ROD to file any lawsuit.



  • Between now and fall 2022, toll-giant Transurban will be finalizing its bottom-line-first design for Phase 1 South.

  • If the project should make it through the federal review process, the Board of Public Works could vote on the Phase 1 South construction contract in fall 2022.

  • Construction cannot begin until the contract is approved.


None of this is inevitable. The project faces big hurdles and sources of delay.

  • Lawsuits, possibly including from the Sierra Club and its 50 co-sponsors.

  • The ongoing legal challenge from a losing bidder for the P3 contract.

  • Ongoing initiatives by grassroots activists (all of us) to persuade our elected officials, candidates competing for our 2022 votes, and relevant federal agencies to reject the toll-lane project’s precedent-setting subversion of the public good.

  • The potential for unfavorable federal decisions.

  • Outcomes of the hugely consequential 2022 election. If we elect a governor and comptroller who oppose the P3, and if project approvals stretch into their new terms, we will see the end of this project.



Grassroots activists are key to shutting down this plan. Your efforts matter! Thank you!


Because so many of our elected officials, from Governor Hogan and Peter Franchot on down, fail to put the public interest first, grassroots groups have an out-sized role in stopping this project. Every thoughtful and/or outraged email you send opposing the toll lanes, every door-hanger you distribute, every newsletter you pass on has an impact and makes a difference. We are counting on each other to keep fighting. Thank you for what you do!



For your reference: Summaries of the main points in the Sierra Club’s legal comments

These are broad summaries in the document’s own words (pgs. i-iii). Click in the document’s table of contents for detailed discussions and supporting evidence.

  • The SDEIS fails to disclose the significant financial costs the preferred alternative would impose on the state and its citizens, including a direct subsidy to a private developer, costs of relocation of utilities, decreases in property values, shortfall payments, and other significant financial risks associated with the Public Private Partnership (“P3”) Program.

  • There are serious flaws in the traffic analysis. Moreover, even with these flaws, the information presented in the SDEIS shows that the preferred alternative will be only marginally effective at reducing congestion on the Beltway and I-270, will create new and larger traffic problems at key interchanges and merge areas, and will irreparably harm Maryland’s irreplaceable natural, historical, and environmental resources.

  • The SDEIS does not adequately analyze air emissions and ignores the harms the preferred alternative’s construction and operation will cause from particulate matter, greenhouse gas, and carbon monoxide emissions locally, regionally, and nationally.

  • The SDEIS ignores the negative impacts of the preferred alternative on safety on the toll lanes, general purpose (“GP”) lanes, and arterial roads.

  • Like the DEIS process, the SDEIS process has also violated [the National Environmental Policy Act].

  • The SDEIS fails to adequately address the preferred alternative’s significant adverse effects on historic and cultural resources, which include both direct and constructive uses of historic properties.

  • The SDEIS ignores the harms that [Environmental Justice] communities will suffer during construction and operation of the preferred alternative, including air quality impacts from newly created bottlenecks and impacts from the loss of an otherwise free lane on I-270.

  • The Project has fundamentally changed so many times (including its footprint, phasing, and procurement type from fixed price to progressive predevelopment public-private partnership) that the public cannot understand what is going on, let alone which description is accurate.

  • The SDEIS fails to perform significant analyses regarding nearly every single adverse impact of the preferred alternative, and instead postpones those analyses until either an FEIS is issued, or construction has begun. Contrary to promoting public participation and informed decision-making as required by NEPA, the SDEIS hinders the public’s understanding of the preferred alternative and will lead to less informed decision-making.

  • The SDEIS, in referencing the DEIS, continues to rely on documents and data that the Agencies have refused to release to the public, despite numerous requests from the public, in violation of NEPA.

Jump on This! A 15-Day Extension to Tell MDOT and the FHWA what’s Wrong with the Toll Lanes. New deadline: 11/30

We need to grab this chance to submit public comments, even if the circumstances show MDOT’s lack of respect for the public:

  • MDOT ignored calls from elected officials for a 90-to-120 day public comment period.

  • MDOT delayed granting the extension until COB on the very last work day before the original deadline.

  • MDOT deliberately limited the extension to the 15 days that include the year’s busiest travel and shopping periods plus Thanksgiving and Hanukah.

No matter: We will be heard

Consider this issue of the newsletter a mini-tour of project deficiencies and low-lights. All the items below will give you information and ideas for your comments on the project’s Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS). Note:

  • Comments can be as short or involved as you want.

  • If you’ve submitted a comment already, thank you, and consider writing another on different points (there’s no shortage of points).

How to submit your comments

Do any of the following by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, November 30 (click here to access all instructions):

Start every comment the same way

Use these words near the beginning of your comment so MDOT cannot misrepresent your intent (something they’ve done before) when they tally public opinion: “I support the no-build option and oppose the I-495/I-270 toll-lane project.”

Take inspiration and ideas from the Rockville Mayor and Council’s powerful SDEIS comments:

  • “It is critical that MDOT and [the Federal Highway Administration] reinstate transit as a key project element...”

  • “The Purpose and Need omits safety considerations typically featured for transportation projects...”

  • “…implementing only Phase 1 South will create a major congestion and bottleneck in the eastbound direction at the points where the managed lanes end…and cause an existing chokepoint to get even worse.”

  • “The issue of economically challenged populations or social equity continues not to be adequately addressed by the SDEIS.”

Tell MDOT that Innovative Congestion Management (ICM) on lower I-270 works; toll lanes won’t!

  • If you use lower I-270 now, you know that barring an accident, construction, or storm, traffic is generally free-flowing.

  • The welcome congestion relief was created by MDOT’s ICM program, which began in 2017 and is now 77% complete.

  • The ICM program installed ramp metering, extended merge lanes to create extra through lanes, converted a shoulder to an HOV-2 lane, and turned an old HOV-2 lane into an extra through lane.

  • But the toll-lane project would destroy the taxpayer-funded ICM improvements on lower I-270, create congestion where there is none, and make the notorious I-270 northern bottleneck even worse.

  • Lower I-270 will be irreparably harmed by toll lanes. Read all the details here.

Point out that the SDEIS traffic model is spectacularly flawed

  • Our partner, the Maryland Transit Opportunities Coalition, found that, “The output of the SDEIS’s traffic model is contrary to common sense, logic, and traffic forecasting done by MDOT itself….”

  • Read here why MTOC,, and Citizens Against Beltway Expansion called for retraction of the SDEIS until the failed traffic model could be fixed.

Consider these excellent points from our partner Citizens Against Beltway Expansion

Click here for paragraph-long summaries of the items below, and more:

  • “After enduring 5 years of construction delays, drivers who use the general lanes [northbound from the American Legion Bridge to the intersection of I-270 and I-370] will be rewarded with a 7 minute and 30 second increase in their daily commute, round trip.”

  • 500 acres of tree canopy would be cut down.

  • 15 parks would be harmed, including 3 national parks.

  • MDOT would not treat most of the stormwater runoff, which would further degrade local waterways.

  • MDOT did not analyze the impact on global warming.

  • There is no assessment of whether low-income communities or communities of color would suffer more of the harmful impacts.

Give MDOT your opinion of the sky-high tolls just approved on 11/18/21

See the table of final tolls here (p.78 of the file). Note:

  • The maximum toll rates apply when there’s heavy congestion, the only times most people would consider using toll lanes.

  • The tolls in the table are in 2021 dollars. Given the approved yearly escalation rate, tolls for passenger vehicles will be well over $4/mile when the toll lanes open. That means $50 tolls to drive from the George Washington Parkway to Shady Grove!

  • Note the exorbitant tolls for multi-axle trucks. The cost will drive big rigs into the general lanes, causing more -- and more serious -- accidents, extra wear and tear on the roads, more trucks on secondary roads, etc.

Call MDOT on the project’s outrageous financial risk to taxpayers

  • This truth-telling editorial in the Washington Post says it all: “Hogan has claimed that the lanes would have ‘virtually no cost to taxpayers,’ because the 50-year deal…would be paid for using private financing. That’s not true.”

  • The public’s going to pay for those toll lanes one way or another: through sky-high tolls, taxes, fees, assumption of financial risk, compensation to the rapacious Australian contractor for revenue shortfalls, and much, much more.

Please submit your comments to MDOT ASAP. The deadline is 11/30!

Please share this newsletter widely so others will know to submit comments, too. Thank you!

MDOT Grabs Another $45M from Taxpayers for Toll-Lane Boondoggle! Write to MDOT by 11/15: U.S. Law Says Our Comments Count!

 Read all about our critically important action item right after this shocking, $45M news.


That’s our public money!

MDOT keeps claiming the P3 comes at no net cost to taxpayers. But the Board of Public Works just voted 2-1 (the Governor and Comptroller “for”) to add $45M to a $90M project support contract.

And who did Hogan and Franchot blame? The public!

Brace yourself, and then read the transcript of the shameless pre-vote discussion. Only Treasurer Nancy Kopp defended the public interest.


Action Item: Submit your SDEIS public comment! Deadline is November 15


The public has just a week left to submit comments on the P3 Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS).

MDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) carefully track the number of comments received and whether they’re favorable/unfavorable to the toll lanes. By law, MDOT must reply to substantive comments.

Write now! The deadline is 11:59 on November 15.

Be sure to start your comment with: “I support the no-build option and oppose the I-495/I-270 toll-lane project.”

To submit your comment, do any of the following (click here to access all instructions):

Jeffrey T. Folden, P.E., DBIA
Director, I-495 & I-270 P3 Office Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration
707 North Calvert Street
Mail Stop P-601, Baltimore, MD 21202


Our valued partner Citizens Against Beltway Expansion (CABE) created an excellent summary of SDEIS Points and Deficiencies to guide your writing. Pick your preferred topics -- CABE’s summary has details on all these important subjects:

  • Toll lanes won’t improve daily commutes

  • Taxpayer subsidies

  • Relocating utilities

  • Pollution and global warming

  • Harm to parks and other greenspaces

  • Selected impacts on Rockville

  • Environmental justice issues

  • Failure to study alternatives to toll lanes


Will SDEIS public comment period be extended?

 It’s a nail biter. Some very smart elected officials sent powerful requests for an extension, but so far MDOT hasn’t budged. Read the persuasive letters to MDOT and FHA from:

Sometimes all you need is a picture

Look at what MDOT and Transurban have planned for us at Cabin John Parkway and the Beltway, should the toll-lane scheme be implemented. Imagine driving this. Or living nearby. And remember that the SDEIS showed virtually no gains in rush hour drive times after all this is built.

Purple = Toll-lanes
Orange = Flying overhead ramps
Yellow = General purpose “free” lanes
Hot Pink = Limits of disturbance, which our experts say are underestimated
Boxed comments = MDOTs own “identifiers”